Saturday, 30 April 2016

Peter's theme

Peter's Theme

The peters theme was harder than the hunters theme because there were many more note and many more places you had to play on. I used flats for the first time. It was harder and more complicated than the hunters theme but I have learnt it really quickly. I am improving my piano skills really quickly and I am also helping others in learning the themes when I have finished.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Pitch notes

At the top are the pitch notes and they are the letters you play on the piano with. To remember it you have to remember the first letters of Every Good Boy Deserves Football and face for the notes and pitches between the lines.

The one on the left is the table which has the amount of beats the note has while playing the piano. There are five main ones  Semibreve, Minim, Crotchet, Quaver, Semiquaver. These are all used to play wonderful music and entertain others. In class we were practicing the beats by clapping our hands and playing different beats from the wolfs theme and peters theme.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Hunter's Theme

Hunters Theme

 Reflection: It was the first time I have ever heard of the theme and I have learnt it really quickly and I have enjoyed it as well. The keys used here were the middle C and G to make the music.  The keys were marked on the piano for me because I was a beginner and I learnt how to read notes write them and write the pitches in order to spell a common word.I really had fun and it did not take as much time to learnt it for others as well. I want to do more of these themes so I can play all of them and learn more.