Thursday, 17 March 2016

Instruments of the orchestra

Here is my power point for my group:

There are four families of the orchestra and they are:
Percussion (it is seperated into two which are: un tuned percussion and tuned percussion)
The families join together to make an orchestra which is a group of people with many different instruments from these families. They have a leader which leads them with his hand gestures.
Percussion Family

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Patchwork square

This is my patch work square:

Questions to think of

How will you encourage people to participate and represent their culture?
We can encourage people by making them listen and showing them our work and stories which will influence them and they would want to make their own we can make the colored fabrics into different areas to catch attention of kids.

How will you differentiate your stall so that younger students and adults can get involved?
For the adults we had separated scissors and they could cut their own shapes from the pieces of fabric but for the students they had ready made shapes of fabric and they had glue on their side.

How will you lead and organize your workshop? Will you demonstrate techniques/ Help with ideas?
We had 3big bold titles and it was really eye catching each person in our group had different roles. Amir was responsible for demonstrating the techniques to everyone that needed help.

How will you know that your workshop has been a success?
You would have known because of the amount of patchwork quilts at the end. Also because of the participants that came on international day.

What will a successful Patchwork square look like?
It would have told a story and everyone around you would have understood it very well. It should be understandable and look really good.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Reflection on Art workshop.

In art class we have been preparing an art workshop for quite a long time. During the first couple of weeks we had to make a patchwork square. When everyone brought theirs in we had to order them from really good ones to ones that can improve. The next week we had to sit in groups and each group had to organize the layout of the stall and the materials going to be used on international day. We had to make a video and a power point to introduce them to the stall. The next week was quite difficult to organize when many people had the parade of nations. So miss asked us to stay after school on Monday and to come in lunch on that day. We had to take down all the materials to the cafeteria and take the tables for the stall. The next day was the actual day and my group was going to start our shift at 10:15, when my group went we saw that many squares were made and many people had come. Over the 45 minutes my group were working we had made about 7 new squares. At the end of international day we had about 30 new squares to make the huge patchwork quilt. Miss was really proud of us and it was the first time I have made a stall and worked for it. 

For international day my group members were: Amir, Andrijia, Mayukh, Mohamed and I. Amir's role was to show the people the video and introduce the people to our stall. Mohamed provided extra materials and helped the people if they needed help. Mayukh showed people the cut out techniques. I helped the parents understand what they were supposed to do. Andrijia helped the children and pinned most of the work on to the wall. The items that were collected and prepared were, glue, scissors, and different colored fabric for the adults and the kids. The fabric were separated into colors and the parents had to cut their own shapes but the kids used the shapes already cut for them. Our workshop went really well and most of us enjoyed it especially me because it was the first time I made a stall in a group with friends from school. Many people came and made much more squares they made more than our class has made, we saw many stories on the quilts and it was really fun.. I enjoyed working with my friends and I also enjoyed making my square at home. I learnt how to be collaborative and organize a workshop. I learnt how to make a cut out and make a patchwork square. 

Henri matisse powerpoint