Thursday, 3 March 2016

Questions to think of

How will you encourage people to participate and represent their culture?
We can encourage people by making them listen and showing them our work and stories which will influence them and they would want to make their own we can make the colored fabrics into different areas to catch attention of kids.

How will you differentiate your stall so that younger students and adults can get involved?
For the adults we had separated scissors and they could cut their own shapes from the pieces of fabric but for the students they had ready made shapes of fabric and they had glue on their side.

How will you lead and organize your workshop? Will you demonstrate techniques/ Help with ideas?
We had 3big bold titles and it was really eye catching each person in our group had different roles. Amir was responsible for demonstrating the techniques to everyone that needed help.

How will you know that your workshop has been a success?
You would have known because of the amount of patchwork quilts at the end. Also because of the participants that came on international day.

What will a successful Patchwork square look like?
It would have told a story and everyone around you would have understood it very well. It should be understandable and look really good.

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