Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Stage Combat Choreography

Overall the unit was great. I think that our act was great with many features which made it look realistic. My acting was great in my opinion, I followed the choreography and and worked with my group really well. Our main topic was about a nerd being bullied by 2 different bullies who were offending his hobby and making fun of him. The moves we used were slaps, stomach punches, pushes, hair pulls and the neck break. The slaps and stomach punches looked the most realistic. I could identify that the audience were shocked and amazed of what we have done. There were many ways we could have improved on such as; adding more dialogue and improving our techniques and skills. Throughout the drama unit I have learnt a lot. I think that the most fun unit was stage combat because I love fight scenes especially in movies. I have learnt a lot throughout this unit and I hope we learn more in art and music.

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